
Revolutionizing Antivenom: The Quest to Neutralize Snake Venom with De Novo AI Designed Proteins

Revolutionizing Antivenom: The Quest to Neutralize Snake Venom with De Novo AI Designed Proteins

Snakebite envenoming poses a persistent threat to public health. The World Health Organization recognizes it as a neglected tropical disease, responsible for over 100,000 deaths annually and leaving another 300,000 individuals with permanent disabilities.In groundbreaking research, scientists have turned to de novo designed proteins as a novel approach to counteract these venom toxins. Using deep learning methods, researchers have successfully created protein designs that demonstrate potential as next-generation antivenom therapeutics.

Revolutionizing Antivenom: The Quest to Neutralize Snake Venom with De Novo AI Designed Proteins

Revolutionizing Antivenom: The Quest to Neutralize Snake Venom with De Novo AI Designed Proteins

Snakebite envenoming poses a persistent threat to public health. The World Health Organization recognizes it as a neglected tropical disease, responsible for over 100,000 deaths annually and leaving another 300,000 individuals with permanent disabilities.In groundbreaking research, scientists have turned to de novo designed proteins as a novel approach to counteract these venom toxins. Using deep learning methods, researchers have successfully created protein designs that demonstrate potential as next-generation antivenom therapeutics.

Targeting Cellular Senescence: A New Frontier in Combating Cancer and Age-Related Diseases

Targeting Cellular Senescence: A New Frontier in Combating Cancer and Age-Related Diseases

In the realm of cellular biology, senescence has emerged as a pivotal process influencing both the progression of cancer and the onset of age-related diseases. Defined as a state where cells cease to divide but remain metabolically active, senescence acts as a double-edged sword. Key life sciences companies are pinning pipeline hopes in cracking this.

Navigating the New Frontier: The First Abridged Complaint under the 2024 ABPI Code

Navigating the New Frontier: The First Abridged Complaint under the 2024 ABPI Code

In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceutical marketing, the industry faces a delicate balance between informing the public and adhering to strict regulations. This challenge was thrust into the spotlight with the recent case of CSL Seqirus and the alleged promotion of their prescription-only Flucelvax Influenza vaccine on the social media platform LinkedIn.

Unveiling Injustice: The Imperative of Addressing Racism in Global Child Health

Unveiling Injustice: The Imperative of Addressing Racism in Global Child Health

The recently launched Lancet Commission on Racism and Child Health has embarked on a pioneering journey to unravel the profound impact of racism, xenophobia, and discrimination on child health worldwide. This editorial delves into the multifaceted dimensions of this issue, exploring the pathways through which racism affects health outcomes and highlighting the urgent need for systemic change.



Seung 和 Murthy 利用电子显微镜拍摄的苍蝇大脑切片图像,开发 FlyWire 地图已有四年多时间。在人工智能(AI)工具的帮助下,研究人员及其数百名全球同事将数据拼接在一起,形成了完整的大脑地图。这是一项巨大的成就,已经在该领域掀起了一场革命。

稳定性 Oracle:设计稳定蛋白质的强大工具

稳定性 Oracle:设计稳定蛋白质的强大工具

在飞速发展的生物技术领域,能否设计出稳定性更强的蛋白质是一项严峻的挑战。能够准确预测氨基酸突变将如何影响蛋白质热力学稳定性的计算方法将彻底改变蛋白质工程过程。 Stability Oracle 是一种新的深度学习框架,在预测热力学稳定蛋白质突变方面优于最先进的方法。

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BBC 虚拟现实罗马



自 1990 年 4 月 24 日搭乘发现号航天飞机发射升空以来,哈勃揭示了人类历史上大部分时间里只有科学家和哲学家才能探究的空间和时间特性。 


Sense about Science 是一家独立的慈善机构,致力于促进公众对可靠科学和证据的关注。Sense about Science 成立于 2002 年,与决策者、世界领先的研究人员和社区团体合作,共同提高公共生活中的证据标准。


自 1999 年 7 月 23 日发射以来,钱德拉 X 射线天文台一直是 NASA X 射线天文学的旗舰任务,在 "伟大天文台 "舰队中占有一席之地。


国际自然保护联盟的《濒危物种红色名录》于 1964 年制定,现已发展成为世界上最全面的关于全球动物、真菌和植物物种灭绝风险状况的信息来源。


斯科特-哈特曼(Scott Hartman)细致严谨的骨骼重建工作为长脚类动物树立了标准:他现在已经成为人们寻找精确、解剖正确的作品时的首选。

11 年后,波士顿动力公司(Boston Dynamics)与其仿人机器人 ATLAS HD 说再见了。这家机器人公司表示,现在是 ATLAS 退休 "休息放松 "的时候了,新的全电动 ATLAS 将接替它的工作。分享这段视频是为了纪念 ATLAS HD 的伟大时刻和那些不那么伟大的时刻。


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